Saturday, March 26, 2011

Semi-Formal Debut

Both with the debut of Hunter's finest news source and many an intoxicated Asian, Semi-formal is bound to stay memorable for days to come (to some, re: after-party).

Most notable: random fucking hook-ups.  From MG to M, ass was being got pretty much everywhere.
Students condemned the actions of a large hispanic rooster
Most terrifying: what may have seemed like an actual troll trying to fight you.  D S was at it again (actually, most likely for the first time), terrorizing you and your date in an attempt at god-knows-what.

Most happening: not the after-party.  A group led by E W was able to secure an after-semi karaoke spot and undoubtedly sing to all the shitty songs they had just heard at Semi.

The songs: limited to bad ones.  One critic claimed the songs were those selected out of a hat full of "only the fecal matter produced by grown homeless men."  Other complaints were far less disgusting, but still held weight against the quality of the song selection which included unprecedented quantities of Ke$ha.  "They didn't have Friday, I was really looking forward to that," complained a socially retarded participant, drunk on the fervor of a pop-fad she actually knew about.

The cacophony of the night's playlist was topped only by the DJ's stunning likeness to Severus Snape. It is possible that Snape was, in fact, hired to boost support for recent shitty 2012 mascot proposal "Severus Snake."

The dancing: awkward grinding galore.

The after-party: was full of people you have most likely never seen before.  Among the potentially inebriated masses, Y G J had this to say: "Ruaghhhyyuuuu."  Other notable moments included a fight between lightweight C L and a window.
Dunno who these kids are, but they look fucking trashed
The party provided water, thankfully satiating the dried palates of all who had the sense to pregame.  However, only two bathrooms were made available, 50% of which were later on used by C B and her date.  Lines grew long even when the water ran out, some say, because the sink in the bathroom on right actually worked.

In later news, J H's leg was almost set on fire by the vigorous motions of his date.


  1. why, arent you a bored senior.



  3. this is definitely a junior, guys

  4. Yep. Intuition says junior male.

  5. LMFAOOO some funny ass shit. i love you gossip girl xoxo

  6. Didn't Eric Wong write this?

  7. Thank god this exists

  8. this is almost definitely daniel sha. zeegers taught him well

  9. lmfao at the above comment ^

  10. Nah, it's definitely Charles Pan

  11. ^ a little bit of heroin

  12. this is sick, and I mean sick in the traditional sense of the term. please stop posting these entries because you could be hurting people.

  13. someone is butthurt

  14. he/she did include that thing on the side if people felt hurt. I don't think they are trying to be malicious.

  15. there's no way that thing is sincere, given the nature of this blog

  16. too funny and too true

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. hey mr./ms. alma huntsman. can i ask you why you're writing this blog? is it to provide harmless entertainment? then why include names? why include photos?

  19. This is sick. And I dont mean sick like a dead animal in the road and we should touch it with our hands sick, I mean sick like aewesome.

  20. You give me hope for humanity.

  21. Uh, where's the meat? I heard this was really funny but so far it's been disappointing. Obviously not a junior, otherwise you'd spell our fellow juniors' names right. Most likely a senior. If it's a lower-termer, no wonder this blog is so bad.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. meat:

    ps funny stuff

  24. it's a pun, not a misspelling

  25. No way dude, if it was a pun it'd be capitalized, because that's how you pun through the internet. Otherwise people wouldn't get it.

  26. This is sick. And not in the "stomach flu, feel terrible" kind of way, in the "mentally unstable" kind of way.

  27. ^ wrong. also, it's definitely a pun, seeing as the writer has access to facebook and clearly did some thorough research. shut your face and join me in patiently awaiting another post.

  28. Wait until colleges get their hands on this blog. Better say bye-bye to those Ivies!

  29. hey alma huntsman, i'm still waiting for an answer. thanks.

  30. Yea this can really mess people up in the future "fictional" or not.
